

Which accompanies the dance is part of this new center developments. It turned out that during the first royal dance reaches a high aesthetic level. If the environment is spontaneous folk dances and simple, then in a neighborhood dance palace has a standard, complex, subtle, and symbolic. If viewed from the aspect of motion, then the influence of Indian dance found in Javanese court dance lies in the hands, and in Bali coupled with eye movements.
Creation of the famous dance of kings, especially in Java, is a form of dance theater such as wayang wong and Bedhaya Ketawang. Two of these dances is the inheritance of Javanese kings. Bedhaya Ketawang is a dance created by the third king of Mataram, Sultan Agung (1613-1646) with a background in the myth of romance between the first king of Mataram (Panembahan Senopati) with Kangjeng Queen of South (ruler of the southern ocean / Ocean Indonesia) (Soedarsono, 1990). This dance is performed by nine female dancers.

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